Kiez Kaffee Kraft

Kiez Kaffee Kraft

The first ​​KIEZ KAFFEE KRAFT was opened in 2014, and has been serving and working with the community from multiple locations ever since. It all started with Café KRAFT in Prenzlauer Berg, Berlin. 

Back then, their managing director and founder Marco opened a small café, which has since become very popular regionally and across Germany. 
They've since opened a second location in Pankow, which is located in a quiet area and complete with a large patio and a grassy area to relax on. 

Marco and his team are all about serving the local community, and creating a space where you can meet friends and acquaintances, make new friends and meet a community with the same love for coffee.

In addition to their range of coffee – including the the 'Guten Morgen' espresso blend, which we created in partnership with the KIEZ KAFFEE KRAFT team – they also serve homemade chai, homemade hot chocolate, various loose teas and matcha or chai tea. All 
cakes are all homemade, and be sure to try their famously delicious Banana Bread when you visit! 

Location (Pankow): Breite Str. 35
Location (Prenzlauer Berg): Schivelbeiner Straße 23
Social media: @kiezkaffeekraft
Recommendation: Banana Bread and the Guten Morgen coffee blend
Coffee: Field Coffee, Kiez Kaffee Kraft 'Guten Morgen' blend

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